Star Wars: Disney Considering Adapting Movies from Legends Material

One of the biggest complaints from Disney acquiring Star Wars was the debunking of decades of storytelling and dubbing them as ‘Legends' material. What's interesting is, the Legends aren't completely forgotten, and it's likely that Disney will be drawing from them for future movies.

This comes from insider Daniel Richtman's Patreon (via Reddit):

So my Disney insider just told me they got another survey asing them if they'll want to see "movies/shows based on Legends books/games with examples being Thrawn, Old Republic, and Darth Bane"

Probably the issue with the Legends universe is that it spoils a lot of potential for future stories, especially given that there are years of post-Return of the Jedi lore that was introduced in the expanded universe. What's cool is, Lucasfilm has slowly been showing that they care about what came before it. We have characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn coming to Star Wars Rebels as well as other small nods in films like Rogue One and Solo.

For now, it seems that Lucasfilm is putting all its focus on Star Wars Episode IX. We were waiting on some more announcements, but after Solo underperformed in the box office, Lucasfilm had to take a step back and find out what they were doing wrong.

Personally, I loved Solo, and I was excited to see what was going to be in store for the sequel. I just really need to know what happens to Qi'Ra, dammit!

No anthology films have been announced as of late, but we should expect Star Wars Episode IX to hit theaters this coming Dec. 20.

See Also: Star Wars: Episode IX Might Not Have A Major Role For Lando