We already know how Han Solo got his name in Solo: A Star Wars Story. However, the new comic book reveals the offensive meaning behind the name.
In Solo, Han was given the last name because he "had no people" when he signed up for the Empire in an effort to leave Corellia. Interestingly, there is a deeper meaning to why the boy was provided the rather obvious designation (via We Got This Covered). It is revealed in the comic book Han Solo: Imperial Cadet. Take a look at the image below.
(Marvel Comics)
It's certainly depressing to know that the Imperial forces had their own way of marking certain individuals. Although Han thought he had escaped his past by joining the Empire, it is evident that being a "scrumrat" has followed him for most of his life. Needless to say, it was a good call to abandon the Empire and join Beckett in the end.
The summary for Han Solo: Imperial Cadet reads as follows:
"HAN SOLO escapes Corellia by joining the IMPERIAL NAVY, vowing to return for QI'RA. But how does a thief used to the chaos of the streets adjust to the order and discipline of the military? Not well! Han's dream of becoming a pilot is quickly grounded as he realizes he may not even survive basic training!"
Imperial Cadet is written by Robbie Thompson and illustrated by Leonard Kirk. So far, only the first issue has been released on November 7. The second issue is set to be published on December 12.
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