Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker served as the ninth and final installment of the Skywalker Saga. Giving a satisfying conclusion to such an epic saga is no easy feat, and co-writer Chris Terrio never thought that he'd do rewrites for a script as much as he did for this one.
In a recent interview with Business Insider, Terrio talked about those rewrites throughout production. "I've never rewritten a film as much as this one," he said. "It's like a tide. There's a new script every morning." However, Terrio and the team just "keep going at it" thinking that it's "never good enough."
Although Terrio keeps going with the rewrites, he also took consideration of the crew with every adjustment he makes. Terrio even mentioned how skilled the team was in dealing with such changes.
"Luckily, the production team is so good that they can shift and adjust," he added. "We're course-correcting as we go – we're trying things, and some things don't work and some things aren't ambitious enough."
Terrio pointed out that some things were "overly ambitious" and some are "too dense." Other things were "too simple" or "too nostalgic," with some even "too out-of-left-field." Out of all the elements and scenes they initially included in early drafts, it was clear that they had to find some "balance."
From Colin Trevorrow's exit from the film to being handled by Terrio and director J.J. Abrams, it's no secret that Episode IX underwent some huge changes. Upon release, the film came to be divisive amongst fans and critics, and fell behind its predecessors at the box office.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now available on Digital HD, Blu-Ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD.
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