Star Wars Book Reveals Kylo Ren Helped Design His TIE Silencer

There is little doubt that Kylo Ren's TIE silencer is one of the coolest starfighters to show up in the Star Wars Universe. Interestingly, it looks like Ben Solo himself helped in creating the fighter in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

The new book Star Wars: TIE Fighter: Owners' Workshop Manual covers just about every ship used by the Empire and the First Order. This includes the traditional TIE fighters and Interceptors. So it's no surprise that there is an entry about the TIE silencer. However, it's the tiny details that truly count.

The book reveals that Kylo Ren actually worked with Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems, the company that created the TIE silencer. Kylo reportedly field-tested the prototype for the silencer and penned some detailed post-flight reports for the company, who in turn used it to improve on the starfighter's system.

It looks like Kylo Ren's reports ensured that the TIE silencer would be tailored to his piloting skills in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In the film, Kylo used the improved starfighter to destroy the hangar of the Resistance flagship Raddus. Although he was able to kill several Resistance pilots, he didn't open fire on the bridge because his mother General Leia Organa was there at that time.

We're not sure if Kylo Ren still does his own field testing now that he is the Supreme Leader of the First Order. However, it is possible if he is trying to create an even better TIE silencer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter: Owners' Workshop Manual is currently available for pre-order but will be on sale starting May 28. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker finally hits theaters on December 20.

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