Star Wars: Battlefront II Will Give Fans Double XP Until Next Week

Say what you will about the current use of the Star Wars license but those things aren't so bad right now since COVID-19 has ensured that many of us will be staying at home. Thankfully, the early release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ensures that fans will be able to binge-watch their favorite franchise, assuming they aren't watching other shows. As if that wasn't good enough Star Wars news, Star Wars Battlefront II will also have double XP from now until March 27.

This is great news for those that want to level up their current rank since a higher status means better rewards, which sounds a bit free-to-play but this is a much better game now than it was at launch, let me assure you. With a lot of people forced to stay home, online gaming is the only way for some people to have fun with one another so giving them an incentive is really nice.

Most of us are also expecting other developers to step it up when it comes to giving fans something to do now that they're stuck at home so this is a nice start. Battlefront II can now be enjoyed without shame and having rewards like this makes the game way more fun to play. With new heroes like BB-8 recently added to the game, we can only imagine how jam-packed the competition is going to be.

Star Wars Battlefront II is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Read: Watch: Battlefront II Campaign Easter Egg Reveals a Killer Protocol Droid