Star Wars Battlefront II: November will also See Release of Grievous' 'Shattered’ Skin

Yesterday saw the drop of the trailer for Star Wars Battlefront II's Geonosis expansion, and it gave us some one-on-one between General Grievous and new hero Obi-Wan Kenobi. The last clip actually gave Grievous a very different appearance, and it's been confirmed that this is actually a third skin for the character.

This comes from DICE's Ben Walke:

For now, Grievous has two skins, the plain one and the battle damaged one, but this shattered skin looks like Grievous is about to break into pieces. Some have actually wanted to see Grievous fighting in a cape, but for now, it looks like it would be too hard to animate, especially with his skills.

With Grievous looking like this, I'm actually hopeful that we get damaged skins for other heroes. There has been an outcry to have a ‘damaged' skin for Vader, and some have also wanted to see Maul get a skin with robot legs. I think it would also be cool to have a skin of Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith after he deforms himself fighting with Mace Windu.

As for other upcoming skins, it's confirmed that Obi-Wan will get a new one this December. It hasn't been said which skin, but I'm guessing it's going to be his armored outfit from The Clone Wars. Other than that, it could be his mullet look from Attack of the Clones. It would look great next to Anakin as well as Dooku. I have my fingers crossed we get an old man Ben Kenobi look down the line.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PC, and PS4. The Geonosis update comes out Nov. 28.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II is Going for Less Than $10 This Week