Star Wars Battlefront II: New Screenshot for Capital Supremacy Game Mode

DICE is finally sticking true to their word by providing live service to Star Wars Battlefront II, and tomorrow will see the arrival of a highly anticipated game mode, Capital Supremacy. We don't have an official video for the mode yet, but a new official still confirms at least one map coming to the game mode.

Check it out:

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via: DICE

So for now, we can be sure that one map will definitely take place on Geonosis. As per the Community Transmission, Capital Supremacy will only be available for the Clone Wars era of the game. That would make sense seeing as the mode is bringing in new reinforcements for clones and droids—the ARC troopers and commando droids, respectively.

The mode will have players collect several different capture points (just like in the original Battlefront II) and then it will have players flying off-world to the enemy capital ship to blow it up. The game ends when an enemy ship is taken down.

While I know there's a big audience for the Clone Wars era, I'm kind of hoping that they make this mode available for the other eras as well. Personally, I'm a fan of the Original Trilogy timeline, but I'd also like to see some takedowns happen with Resistance and First Order troopers.

For now, the new game mode is expected to arrive at the game tomorrow. Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II: New Details on Incoming Game Mode, Capital Supremacy