Star Wars Battlefront II: Heroes vs Villains is Getting Reworked in May

Live service continues to come with Star Wars Battlefront II, and the community calendar for May has finally been released. Besides the May 4th event which has come and gone, this month will also see a rework of one of the most popular modes of the game.

According to the community calendar that was just released by Ben Walke, Heroes vs. Villains is getting a change in the mechanics. We don't have any specific notes on it yet, but it's said that the game will be scrapping the "Target" system for something else.

Personally, I just hope they come up with something that promotes teamwork better because I'm sure people get annoyed when they become the target and they feel like they let their team down when they end up getting killed.

It's also promised we're getting a new Capital Supremacy map. For now, the new mode has become a favorite, but we only have two maps, Geonosis and Kashyyyk. We don't know what the map is yet, but it's likely a continuation of the Clone Wars era maps, so I'm guessing either Naboo or Kamino.

For now, the rest of the month looks to have some more commonplace events. We have another XP weekend incoming, plus an event where no vehicles will be allowed on the battlefield. We also have another Fast Spawn event for Strike and Blast.

Play Star Wars Battlefront II currently available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

See Also: Gameplay Reveal for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is Coming in June