Star Wars Battlefront II: Here are the New Voice Lines for Grievous and Obi-Wan

It's currently Clone Wars season for Star Wars Battlefront II, and though it took a while, we're finally getting some new heroes in the game—starting with Grievous this October and Obi-Wan in November. To help hype up the release of the new heroes, the devs (via Reddit) have given us a list of the new voice lines that the characters will have.

Check them out:

General Grievous

"You are a bold one."

"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection."

"You must realise, you are doomed."

"I wield great power, Jedi fool."

"The story of Obi-Wan ends here!"

"Make peace with the Force now, for this is your final outing."

"Your screams are like music to my audio receptors."

"The Kaleesh are not known for their mercy."

Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Hello there."

"So uncivilized."

"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"

"When I cut you in half, I should have aimed for your neck instead."

"You haven't exactly impressed me today."

"The strongest defense is a swift and decisive offense."

"I understand you've had some troubles recently."

"Ugh — like bathing in a lake of venom-mites."

You'll notice that a lot of lines are already internet memes, but there are some that stand out to be a bit more specific. That line that Obi-Wan says about cutting someone in half is an obvious nod to Darth Maul. I'm just curious if Sam Witwer also recorded some additional lines for Maul to throw back at Kenobi.

As it stands, it's been a long wait for content ever since The Last Jedi season last December. Though there has been a weak stream of content, I'd like to think that DICE is going to have more regular updates now, counting that they fixed the progression system.

That being said, there's still a lot of improvement that the game definitely needs, but this is still a step in the right direction. What's important is, the community is growing, and after the fiasco of the launch last year, there's nowhere to go but up.

General Grievous is expected to arrive Oct. 30. Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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