Though Star Wars Battlefront II has a single player campaign, the main meat of the game has always been the multiplayer matches. With some players preferring to play offline, franchise director Dennis Brannvall has confirmed that there are plans to add another single player mode to the game soon.
Talking to BattlefrontUpdates, Brannvall explained:
"Something that keeps coming up… is the hashtag #SoloPlayersMatter, and all that stuff, and I think we're all excited to show you guys what's coming next. It's not going to be another PvP mode. It's going to be something more tailored to the other part of our audience and those players who might want more of a PvE thing."
We don't know what PvE game mode DICE has in mind for Battlefront II, but hopefully, we can get an update this coming August. Besides the new reinforcements coming this week, it's also been announced that a Felucia map is being planned later this year. Maybe by then, they could also reveal this upcoming game mode.
Admittedly Star Wars Battlefront II had one of the most disastrous launches back in 2017, but DICE has worked hard and the game is pretty much fixed by now—at least when it comes to the core gameplay element. There are still a few things they can fix here and there, but I think all it really needs is time. At least, for now, we know that BFII is still alive and kicking, and it's looking to keep expanding toward the future.
Star Wars Battlefront Ii is currently playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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