Star Wars Actor Ewan McGregor Takes on Epic Obi-Wan Kenobi Motorcycle Challenge

There is little doubt that Ewan McGregor is already excited to reprise his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the upcoming Star Wars series. So it's no surprise that he was ready and willing to take on a "dangerous" motorcycle stunt that involved the Jedi Master just to prove that it is possible.

McGregor was recently a guest on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon where he promoted his documentary series Long Way Up but the Birds of Prey star also teased upon his other bigger project. At one point, the host announced that they had challenged McGregor to take on an epic motorcycle stunt where the Trainspotting actor would have to jump over Obi-Wan. Of course, it's just an action figure (that actually looks a lot more like Alec Guinness but hey, that's fine with us) so McGregor heartily accepted. Check it out below.

Wow, so much air, so much grace! We're loving the idea that they slipped in some fitting music into the clip as well. Although it's unlikely we'll be seeing similar stunts in the Obi-Wan series, we can't wait to see McGregor in action soon.

It has already been confirmed that McGregor will reprise his role in the Star Wars show, which will be directed by The Mandalorian's Deborah Chow. The series will only consist of eight episodes but people already have high expectations in the limited storyline.

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series has not yet been given an official title or release date. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

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