Star Trek: Sonequa Martin-Green Thanks Whoopi Goldberg for Career Success

Star Trek: Discovery gave us a major milestone in the previous season when Michael Burnham became the first Black female captain of a Starfleet ship. However, Sonequa Martin-Green doesn't take the credit all to herself. She has just credited Nichelle Nichols for preparing the path for her and also thanked Whoopi Goldberg for helping her achieve the amazing milestone.

The third season of Star Trek: Discovery concluded with Burnham becoming the captain of Discovery after Saru decided to step down from the role. It was an awesome moment for Trekkies, especially POC female fans of the show and one that we have been waiting for since the series premiere.

It wasn't an easy journey for Burnham and it's safe to say that the character deserved all the success. However, Martin-Green has also pointed out that Burnham wouldn't be where she is today without Nichols' Nyota Uhura and Goldberg's Guinan.

Martin-Green was recently a guest on The View where she stated that she felt the weight of representing Black women fell on her shoulders since she was cast in Discovery. She then pointed out that she wouldn't be where she is today without Nichols and Goldberg.

"I also want to say that making history in this way and being cemented in history in this way, as the first Black female captain of a Star Trek show, what I have learned -- I've been growing a lot lately and changing a lot on the heels of losing my parents -- and I realized that I was very self-oriented about it all," Martin-Green said. "And I thought it was up to me to do it perfectly and do everything right, to pay homage to the people that came before me."

She then continued by stating that it isn't only her accomplishment. "It's the accomplishment of those who have come before me. I simply stepped onto the path that was already laid for me by . . . Nichelle and by you, [Whoopi]. And so, I am your accomplishment, and I thank you," Martin-Green concluded.

It's great to know that Martin-Green is sharing the success with the women who came before her and changed the way Black women are portrayed in science fiction. Uhura and Guinan made it possible and there is little doubt that Burnham will be followed by yet another strong Black female character in the future.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 airs every Thursday on Paramount+.

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