The upcoming animated series Star Trek: Prodigy is set to premiere soon on Paramount+. Besides the series being the first one in the franchise intended for younger audiences, it will also mark the return of Star Trek: Voyager's Captain Kathryn Janeway, played again by Kate Mulgrew.
During the series' New York Comic-Con panel, it was announced that Daveed Diggs (Hamilton), Jameela Jamil (The Good Place), Jason Alexander (Harley Quinn), and Star Trek: Voyager alumni Robert Beltran have joined the voice cast for recurring roles. Diggs will voice Commander Tysess, Jamil will voice Ensign Asencia, Alexander will voice Doctor Noum, while Beltran will reprise the role of Captain Chakotay, who was the First Officer in USS Voyager.
During the panel, the one-hour premiere episode titled "Lost & Found" was screened for the attendees. The series focuses on a group of lawless teens who are exiled on a mining colony outside Federation space and discovers a derelict Starfleet ship. The group decides to take control of the ship and work together in order to make their way towards the Alpha Quadrant. Kathryn Janeway appears in the series as the ship's Emergency Training Hologram.
The new cast members that are joining the series are impressive. They are well-known actors who have appeared in high-profile films and shows. The highlight here has to be Beltran playing Chakotay again and it makes him the second main cast member from Voyager who will be part of this series. Is he also going to be a hologram-like Janeway or perhaps the main characters will encounter him during their journey? We will find out soon enough.
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Besides Mulgrew, also part of the cast are Rylee Alazraqui (as Rok-Tahk), Brett Gray (as Dal), Angus Imrie (as Zero), Jason Mantzoukas (as Jankom Pog), Ella Purnell (as Gwyn), Dee Bradley Baker (as Murf), John Noble (as the Diviner), and Jimmi Simpson (as Drednok). Billy Campbell will guest star, reprising the role of Star Trek: The Next Generation character Thadiun Okona.
Star Trek: Prodigy will premiere on Thursday, October 28 on Paramount+.