Star Trek: Picard may have been a major hit among Trekkies, however, the critically-acclaimed Star Trek series does have a few blindspots – the absence of Star Trek: The Next Generation characters who were close to Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart).
Fans were hoping to see Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) appear at the end of the first season of Picard, however, the chief medical officer of the Enterprise never made an appearance in the series.
Luckily, Gates McFadden has just recently discussed her possible appearance in the next season of Picard and how her character's comeback may finally resolve one of Jean-Luc's biggest mistakes.
Star Trek conventions have been taken online because of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and during a live panel at Galaxycon, McFadden was asked about the odds of her character appearing in Picard (via Trek Movie).
Of course, the actress tried to play it coy.
" Well, I don't know. There's a good chance, let's put it that way. But I have no contract signed," the actress said.
That's not all. McFadden also opened up about how Dr. Crusher might have changed during the time between Star Trek: Nemesis and Star Trek: Picard.
"She definitely would be somebody who was very engaged in the world and trying to make it a better place. I would not see her as somebody retiring," the actress explained, "She obviously raised a kid while she was a full-on command officer, so I think the sky's the limit in terms of what her life could be."
Of course, fans wanted to know what the relationship between Crusher and Picard would be if the character ever appeared in the second season of the series.
"Patrick made a decision at some point that he was opening it up to other relationships in our show, and in the movies, certainly," McFadden explained, "So I can't imagine that it's suddenly going to be different, but it doesn't mean that there's not a relationship there. Obviously, from our all of our scenes, there is a relationship and that's great. So who knows? I have no clue, but it would it would be lovely."
Let's cross our fingers and hope that McFadden really does make a comeback in Picard.
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