The 2018 saga of Stan Lee continues, as the man's personal life continues to take a beating. Many are familiar with the news regarding Lee and his former manager Keya Morgan, who supposedly exploited his relationship with the Marvel icon to make himself rich. It looks like this is all going to end, as Lee has been granted a three-year restraining order against Morgan.
Reported by Variety, Morgan is now banned from being within 100 yards or Lee. The former manager cannot contact Lee either, so don't expect them to make up anytime soon. Either way, this might be considered a victory for Lee and his family, though it is still tragic since they trusted him and had a close relationship with Morgan.
In addition to being barred from Stan Lee, Morgan also cannot do the same to his daughter J.C. Lee or his brother Larry Lieber. While some have suspected J.C. of exploiting her father as well, she still seems to be in his good graces and the two have been seen together in various events.
Morgan has been seen taking artwork from Lee's home and taking the man away from his family to live with him on June 8 at midnight.
Lee is reportedly doing well, according to his lawyer Jonathan Freund. His health is supposedly improving and the comic book legend is creating new characters, though it's not yet known for who.