Squid Game star Anupam Tripathi, who portrayed Abdul Ali, created a buzz recently after he uploaded a video on his official Instagram. The Indian actor's character was branded as one of the most compassionate characters in the show and Ali did catch the hearts of many after they learned about his story.
Most, if not all, viewers are aware that Abdul Ali was forced to join the deadly game due to his huge amount of debt. Due to his kind nature, several viewers started rooting for him.
Unfortunately, Squid Game actor Anupam Tripathi's character only made it to the fourth game. Most viewers knew he wasn't going to win but they also wanted him to have a fair death.
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Squid Game'sMost Unfair Death
On the fourth game, Abdul Ali was faced with a twisted game of marbles. He was against his hyung, Sang Woo, who showed us how cunning he can be when he wanted. The premise of the fourth game was to take all 10 marbles from the other player.
In the series, Abdul Ali won fair and square, but Sang Woo who Ali trusted gave him a scenario where they can both win. This was not so, though, as only one can win the game. Ali ended up being tricked by Sang Woo and, when the timer hit 0:00, the camera panned to Ali finding out what he had all the while were a bunch of pebbles. Then, viewers heard a gunshot, signaling that Ali was eliminated.
Squid Game Actor Anupam Tripathi Gets A Surprise Item Back
Squid Game Actor Anupam Tripathi gets a surprise of a lifetime after he got sent a special PR gift box from Netflix Korea. Several influencers and celebrities were given a PR box as part of their promotional drive for Squid Game.
In Anupam's PR box, he was sent his tracksuit from the show with his number on it, 199. But, the best part of the gift was the marbles he needed to survive the fourth game of Squid Game.
Anupam's look of surprise and delight can be clearly seen in his Instagram post. He even declared that he finally found his missing marbles, writing:
"My marbles! It's here! I got my marbles. Sang Woo Hyung, I found my marbles. Now I pass!" Exclaimed Anupam in the short clip.
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