Spider-Man Star Tom Holland Can’t Walk After Working Out With Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal sure worked hard to get into superhero shape for his role as Mysterio for Spider-Man: Far From Home. Marvel star Tom Holland should know, because the Spider-Man actor could hardly walk after working out with the Academy Award winning star.

Holland has been making the promotional rounds for his Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel the past few days, and the actor recently made an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert to talk about the upcoming movie. During his discussion with Colbert, Holland decided to share a little story about the time that he spent with touring with Gyllenhaal, and as it turns out, the Nightcrawler star is pretty big on working out.

"We were in China recently and Jake asked me if I wanted to go to the gym and I have to be honest: I didn't want to go," Holland said in his interview with Colbert. "because Jake Gyllenhaal's ripped, right? And I'm really competitive. I'm not Jake Gyllenhaal."

Holland didn't say no to Gyllenhaal's invitation though. That was the actor's biggest mistake.

"So, we go to the gym, we start working out," Holland explains. "We're doing ab exercises, leg exercises, and then he turns to me and he goes, 'Tom, do you wanna hop on the treadmill and warm up?' I'm like, 'Warm up? I'm roasting mate! I'm finished!'"

Of course, Holland doesn't want to show that he's spent. When Gyllenhaal says that they'll try for a quick mile on the treadmill, Holland ups the game and says that he goes two. Then when the actors reach the two mile mark, Holland's competitive side pops up again, and the actor tells Gyllenhaal that "There's nothing that's gonna get me off this treadmill."

Gyllenhaal suggests to up the incline, they go four and five more kilometres, and the Southpaw actor suggests to go three more kilometres which Holland ups to four. At the end of the day, Holland could barely even walk.

Gyllenhaal really takes working out seriously, doesn't he?

Spider-Man: Far From Home premieres July 2, 2019.

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