Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy was home to several fun cameos from actor Bruce Campbell who appeared in different roles during the course of the saga and according to several rumors and fan theories that have since surfaced following the end of the Tobey Maguire franchise in 2007, plans always called for Campbell to become the trilogy's version of Quentin Beck aka Mysterio and boy, I would've loved to see that.
Now, Campell is looking back on the success of the Marvel film franchise which pretty much paved the way for the inception of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and he claims that his unnamed role was actually the most important character in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films. Talking about his cameo's legacy with Alabama Life & Culture, Campbell claimed that he was crucial to the original Spider-Man film universe and even jokingly said that he's the most important character in the trilogy. "Well, I don't know it's hard to lineate because they're so critical. The first one I named Spider-Man. If I wasn't in the movie a billion-dollar franchise would be called The Human Spider."
He continued: "He wants to get in the theater in the second one, past the snooty usher who won't let him in because he's late, because it will spoil the illusion, so I think I'm technically the only character who's ever defeated Spider-Man. And in part three, a superhero comes to a mortal for help. He wants me to help him propose to his girlfriend so it's sort of a landmark case where a superhero goes to a mortal for help which is pretty rare. So I can't delineate because they're all critical to the "Spider-Man" universe."
Although his character didn't really progress in the three films, Campbell's cameos are memorable enough that webheads still talk about them to this day and as I mentioned, even spawned several theories surrounding his true identity. Of course, all seems to be said and done in Raimi's Spider-Man realm so we may never truly know but could you imagine if he in fact became Mysterio in the canceled Spider-Man 4? That would've been so cool to see.
Speaking of our friendly neighborhood, Tom Holland has landed in Atlanta to begin filming the MCU's third Spider-Man film.
Also Read:Tom Holland Admits Having Spider-Man 3 Script, Refuses to Drop Spoilers
Spider-Man Star Bruce Campbell Claims He's the Most Important Character in Raimi's Trilogy
Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy was home to several fun cameos from actor Bruce Campbell wh...