Spider-Man: Kraven the Hunter Could Possibly be an Exiled Wakandan

Everyone is still raving about Spider-Man: Far from Home, but director Jon Watts has teased that he would want the next villain to be Kraven the Hunter. What's interesting is, the rumor mill has said that there's already an idea of how to bring Kraven into the fray.

This comes from artist BossLogic:

Though BossLogic is not usually a source for scoops, he did confirm months before the official announcement that Robert Pattinson was being eyed for the role of Batman. Again, we should take this news with a grain of salt, but the idea that Kraven comes from Wakanda is actually pretty interesting.

Wakanda is known to stick very close to tradition, and so maybe Kraven's obsession with hunting could have a more cultural root for the character. Add to that some advanced Vibranium tech, and we could have a solid contender for Spider-Man.

With the comic version of the character having Russian roots though, I imagine they could make him turn out like Killmonger where Kraven was banished, but he ends up being raised in Russia.

Then again, this isn't the only idea on the table. I just think it's a pretty great one that helps keep Spidey's villains tied to the MCU as a whole.

For now, all we can really do is wait. Sony is still expecting Far from Home to make a billion in the box office before they decide to push through with their creative collaboration with Marvel. Good news is, the film is making a lot of bank, and it's possible it could pass the billion mark in a few weeks.

Catch Spider-Man: Far from Home now in theaters.

See Also: Spider-Man: Far From Home Confirms Mysterio Knew About Peter Parker Before They Met