Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Star Talks Possibility of All-Female Spinoff

Credit: Sony, Marvel

Credit: Sony, Marvel

Two weeks before Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse arrived in theaters, it was revealed that a female-led spinoff was in the works. At the time, the team was said to be made up of Spider-Gwen, Spider-Woman, Silk, and Spider-Girl. Lauren Montgomery was also said to be in negotiations for the spinoff, but fans haven't heard much about it since.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Spider-Verse star Hailee Steinfeld, who voiced Spider-Gwen, was asked if the spinoff is still moving forward. "Not that I know of, I am not in the know with these things," she admitted.

"It's funny because I feel like this is the time to figure it out," the actor added, in reference to the production shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. "But I do think, obviously, everything has kind of been slightly put on hold. So there hasn't been much that I've heard lately."

While the pandemic is a big factor in the lack of recent updates for the spinoff, there's also the fact that animated films take a long time to make. Sony is going ahead with a Spider-Verse sequel for a 2022 release, which makes it likely that the spinoff isn't a priority for the studio right now. So as exciting as it is to know what's to come in the spinoff, it isn't a surprise if Sony is focused on Spider-Verse 2 for the time being.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2 was initially set for release on April 8, 2022, but is now pushed back to October 7, 2022.

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