Over the past decade, Jake Gyllenhaal has become one of Hollywood's most well-received actors, receiving awards left and right for his performances in films like Nightcrawler, Southpaw, Brokeback Mountain, Prisoners, and of course, Donnie Darko. Given his reputation and his success, fans were eager to see Gyllenhaal join the Marvel Cinematic Universe by taking on the villain's role for Spider-Man: Far From Home.
Now, sitting down for an interview with LAT Entertainment, Gyllenhaal explains why he joined the MCU and why he took on the role of Mysterio. Not only does the actor consider the Spider-Man baddie and interesting character, but a complex villain that would provide him a few challenges in acting.
"It's great. He's a great character. It's one of those things, people have asked me for a number of years, 'You wanna do a movie like that? If you were asked to, would you?' And my response has always been, particularly since being at Sundance, so many of the stories have always been, for many years since I've been coming here, character-driven, and that has always been my desire, is to find something in that space, that seems to match my skill and also my own honesty. And it just so happened that it does with that part, so I'm glad that people feel excited about it," Gyllenhaal thoroughly explained in his discussion with the entertainment news outlet.
Gyllenhaal's role in Far From Home is a dream come true for many Marvel fans. The actor's been connected with the Spider-Man franchise ever since the early 200's with rumors saying that Gyllenhaal was up for Sam Raim's Spider-Man movie back in 2002. Sure, Tobey Maguire took on the role, but fans couldn't help but wonder what would it be like to see Gyllenhaal in a Spider-Man movie.
Now, Gyllenhaal is set for Marvel's Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel and fans couldn't be more excited.
Spider-Man: Far From Home premieres on July 5, 2019.
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