Spider-Man: Far From Home Almost Had a Very Different Twist With Mysterio

It's been a few weeks since Spider-Man: Far From Home started showing in theaters and we can all assume that everyone has seen it already. While most fans predicted the big twist with Mysterio, there were still a lot of genuinely fun surprises in the movie and it made for a really fun MCU installment that reinvigorated interest in Spider-Man.

One of the main "twists" of the film was Mysterio being a bad guy, which probably meant more to those that haven't checked out the comics, animated shows, or video games. However, it turns out that the writers wanted to add another twist that no one would have seen coming; making Mysterio a Skrull.

Speaking with Collider, writers Erik Sommers and Chris McKenna discuss Mysterio being a Skrull and why they didn't go through with it. Making Mysterio a Skrull would have been a big part of the whole con artist bit that the character is known for, though it didn't work out in the end. At least they made Fury a Skrull.

"There were some early, early versions of this movie where Mysterio was a Skrull. There were a lot of Skrull versions of the story early on. When you're doing a con artist movie, what we finally landed on—we sat down and talked about how do we keep on fooling the audience, how do we keep on having a lot of fun reveals? How many distractions can we get away with before people want to murder us? [The Mysterio skrull reveal] was an early idea about why he was doing everything he was doing."

Spider-Man: Far From Home should still be showing in theaters.

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