Sorry Haters, Captain Marvel is Certified Fresh

If you're one of those "fans" who decided to hate on Captain Marvel without even seeing it, you're about to be disappointed. The initial score for Marvel's latest movie has been released and it's a solid 88, making it certified fresh. Consider this another typical Marvel score since the studio's films has almost-always been fresh.

Granted, this isn't going to mean a lot to those that have decided to hate on the movie. Star Wars: The Last Jedi had an excellent score on Rotten Tomatoes and is still hated by a number of fans. While there are legitimate concerns and criticisms to be had for The Last Jedi, some fans took it a bit too far and harassed the cast.

Unfortunately, Captain Marvel seems destined to share the same fate. Expect a lot of fans to hate this for no reason. Veteran actor James Woods has already said that he is going to sit this one out and even coerced fans to check out Alita: Battle Angel instead. All of this because someone said "white men haters" shouldn't watch the latest MCU installment.

Captain Marvel comes out on March 8. What do you think of the movie's fresh rating? Would you have seen it regardless?

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