Bad Boys franchise is one of the classic films by critically-acclaimed actor, Will Smith. Helmed by Michael Bay in 1995, with a sequel followed in 2003, and surprisingly after almost two decades, Bad Boys for Life premiered in theaters bringing back Will Smith in the role of Detective Mike Lowrey once again. However, after Smith's infamous Oscars altercation, is Bad Boys 4 still really possible?
Martin Lawrence and Will Smith surprisingly returned in 2020's Bad Boys for Life reprising their fan-beloved cop roles. Although director Michael Bay did not return to helm the third installment of the franchise, Bad Boys for Life still grossed $426 Million worldwide, and it appears that fans' fondness of the franchise remains. Later in Mid-2020, Bad Boys 4 was eventually confirmed by Sony.
However, recent reports claim that Sony will be halting Bad Boys 4 due to Will Smith's altercation with comedian Chris Rock at the Oscars. Luckily, Sony Chairman recently clarified Smith's future in the franchise.
In an interview with Deadline, Sony Chairman Tom Rothman disproves reports that Will Smith's Bad Boys 4 is canceled due to his Oscars slapping incident.
"No. That was inaccurate. That movie’s been in development and still is," Rothman said. "There weren’t any brakes to pump because the car wasn’t moving. That was a very unfortunate thing that happened, and I don’t think it’s really my place to comment, except to say that I’ve known Will Smith for many years, and I know him to be a good person. That was an example of a very good person having a very bad moment, in front of the world. I believe his apology and regret is genuine, and I believe in forgiveness and redemption."
Even though Smith had already apologized for his violent behavior at the Oscars, the slapping incident still cost him a lot. He was forced to resign from The Academy, and most of his upcoming projects have been canceled, including Netflix's Fast and Loose, and the Bright sequel.
It's good to know that Sony appears to back up Will Smith after many directors and producers turned their back on the A-list actor. And based on Sony's Chairman Tom Rothman's statement, it looks like the studios still have faith in him after all, and Bad Boys 4 might still happen.
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