Some Guests Went to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in Star Trek Costumes

Disneyland has just opened its Star Wars-themed expansion called Galaxy's Edge, and the park has a rule that prohibits any guests from bringing in their own costumes. What's funny is, the rules never said anything about wearing costumes from another franchise.

Check out these guests who came to Galaxy's Edge in Star Trek outfits:

While I'm sure some people are bummed they can't bring their own costumes to the park to add to the immersive experience, I guess it's a counter-measure for visitors who may want to exploit the other guests and charge them for photos. Plus, I think there are very strict rules for each of the actors walking around the park, and a random person in costume could very easily break them.

Going back to these Trek outfits though, I can say it's a pretty fun idea. Trek outfits are very simple in itself, and I'm sure it wouldn't raise any red flags when it comes to the people running the park. Though some people may think it's in poor taste, I think it's absolutely hilarious. With Abrams helming both Trek and Star Wars, what's so wrong about liking both?

For now, you can check out Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California.

See Also: Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Is Selling Lightsaber Hilts As Scrap Metal