Solo: A Star Wars Story Still Got An Oscar Nomination

Last year we were made to believe that Solo: A Star Wars Story had missed out on submitting itself for Oscars consideration, but it looks like the film actually made the cut. Just in, Solo was actually nominated for an Academy Award.

Here's the announcement from the official Star Wars account:

As it stands, Solo is now competing with the likes of Avengers: Infinity War, Christopher Robin, First Man, and Ready Player One.

While I'm happy that Solo got some recognition with the visual effects department, some fans also wanted it to be considered for its music and sound design. When it comes to sound editing and mixing, it was Black Panther, A Quiet Place, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Roma taking the nominations.

Like any other ILM production, I'm sure Solo has a good chance of winning, and the only other film that I think has a chance is Avengers: Infinity War. Sure the Kessell Run sequence and L3-37 were fantastic, but do they really hold a candle to how real Thanos ended up looking?

Of course, these are just my personal opinions. I'm sure some actual visual effects experts know which film should definitely win. I don't know if that has any effect on which movie actually gets the Oscar though.

By any case, I'm just happy that Solo got the attention. I thought the movie was unfairly bashed, and part of its underperformance was Disney's fault. The good news is, more people are starting to show their love for the film online. Fingers crossed Lucasfilm actually greenlights a sequel.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is available on Netflix.

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