Following its premiere in early February, Pretty Cure finally debuted its first-ever male main character in Tsubasa Yuunagi aka Cure Wing. Tsubasa’s proper debut happened in the show’s latest episode which aired on April 2.
While he’s technically not the first male PreCure, the debut of Cure Wing is a huge development for the long-running franchise given that he’s the first to be part of an anime’s main lineup.
Following his debut, lots of fans were delighted with his Cure Wing transformation, and it inspired lots of fan-made works.
Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure Debuts Main Male Character
Soaring Sky! is the latest anime in the long-running Pretty Cure magical girl franchise, and it got a lot of buzz ahead of its February premiere.
After all, not only is it the 20th anime in the franchise, but it will also lead up to the series’ 20th anniversary.
Aside from marking a major milestone for the franchise, Soaring Sky! also got a lot of hype for featuring the first main male character in the series.
Aside from being male, Tsubasa also has an interesting dynamic given his ability to fly.
Cure Wing (voiced by Ayumu Murase) is a huge step in terms of inclusivity.
While magical girls are typically targeted at young girls, many people who identify as guys also love magical girls, so having this kind of representation is nice.
However, Tsubasa isn’t the first male PreCure by any means. For instance, there’s Wakamiya Henri from HUGtto! Pretty Cure. The previous male PreCure is not part of the main lineup though.
RELATED: PreCure Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Epic Visual Featuring All Lead Cures
Pretty Cure Fans React to Cure Wing
Following the debut of Tsubasa, many fans were delighted by his transformation and the fact that this is a major step for the franchise.
Aside from sharing their reactions, many fans were also inspired to share their fanart of Tsubasa transformed into Cure Wing. Check them out here:
The Pretty Cure franchise might not be as well-known as other big magical girl franchises like Sailor Moon, but it is still one of the biggest in the genre as it has a huge fanbase in Japan as well as internationally.
Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure is streaming now on Crunchyroll in the US and other regions, with new episodes being released every Sunday.
It is set to run until early 2024 – just in time for the franchise’s 20th-anniversary celebration.
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