With Game of Thrones set to end within the month and Kit Harington coming over to host, you bet that the writers at Saturday Night Live are going to squeeze out every joke they have on GoT. This next skit has got to be one of their most clever, as they poke fun at the sea of spinoffs that could be milked out of the show.
While we got Harington reprising his role for some kind of Castle Black soap opera drama, we also have Arya in a parody for Daria, as well as a comedy sitcom starring Sam and Gilly. They even went so far as to think of a kids show starring Hodor.
I’ll admit, Saturday Night Live sketches have always been hit and miss, but they did some fun work with Harington is the last episode. I guess with so many people watching the show, they can basically keep making references to Game of Thrones and it would all make sense. Not to mention HBO is making a spinoff prequel already that is set 100 years before the events of GoT.
While they did skip out a year, HBO promises to give us the biggest finale for Game of Thrones with the upcoming eight season. The White Walkers have finally breached the Wall, and everyone is gearing up for the snowy slugfest between the North and the Night King. We don’t even know if they will reach all the way to King’s Landing.
Catch Game of Thrones 8 when it premieres on HBO April 14.
See Also:Kit Harington is a Ridiculous NPC in Fun SNL Sketch