A lot of buzz surrounds Wade Wilson's official entry to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially after the confirmation that Ryan Reynolds will team up with the returning Hugh Jackman in Deadpool 3. As it stands, we still don't have an idea as to what Marvel Studios has planned for the fourth-wall-breaking character but it's safe to assume that he'll stick around for more projects down the line.
The question is, what R-rated projects could we end up seeing him in? Well, Instagram artist @spidermnkyxxiii has a pretty ambitious suggestion for Wade Wilson's future project in the franchise and it involves adapting the non-canon Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe storyline from the comics.
As the title suggests, the plot of the comic released in 2012 sees the Merc with a Mouth annihilate the entire Marvel Universe in brutal fashion, with him being the lone survivor at the end of the story. Whether or not Disney pulls the trigger on something so gruesome and sinister remains to be seen but a man can dream, can't he? Check it out here:
Also Read: Elizabeth Olsen's Clueless Reaction to Deadpool 3 Proves Her MCU Detachment
We all know for a fact that the Deadpool film franchise has been allowed to keep its R-rating in the MCU but is that enough to guarantee that the studio will go through extreme lengths with the character? Probably not. But I wouldn't mind seeing a loose adaptation of the beloved comic set in a different timeline for sure.
Meanwhile, Marvel Studios' Deadpool 3 is slated for theatrical release on September 6, 2024.