Shangri-La Frontier Emul VA Explains Her Hilarious Ad-Libbed Commentary

Shangri-La Frontier Emul

Shangri-La Frontier Emul

Shangri-La Frontier has lots of notable characters, but many have fallen for the adorable Emul, especially after the latest episode. Just in time, Animate Times shared an interview with Shangri-La Frontier Emul VA Rina Hidaka where she explained her ad-libbed scenes.

This interview took place after the fifth episode aired. Despite this, the interview is quite timely as fans were impressed by Hidaka’s performance in the latest episode, especially with Emul’s hilarious commentary scene.

Spoiler Warning: There are Shangri-La Frontier anime spoilers in this article.

Shangri-La Frontier Fans Loved Emul’s Commentary in Episode 9

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Fall 23 has lots of unique titles like Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End and The Apothecary Diaries. Given that it’s an MMO anime, Shangri-La Frontier may seem like a run-of-the-mill action series, but that’s not the case.

The anime’s comedic nature and interesting twists in the MMO anime formula have resulted in the series gaining a strong following.

Fan enthusiasm for the show continued in Episode 9, which featured a hilarious moment featuring the NPC Emul and the protagonist Rakuro.

Upon seeing a large and powerful Quad Beetle, Emul grabs a mushroom as a makeshift mic and begins to provide some commentary on the beetle’s fight against Empire Bees.

This was a moment that manga fans have been waiting to see. Even though it’s just a short scene, fans consider it a stand-out as it’s one of the funniest moments in the earlier part of the series.

It also helped that Emul’s VA did a great job of voicing the NPC.

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Emul VA Rina Hidaka Explains Her Ad-Libbed Lines in the Anime

shangri-la frontier emul
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In her interview, Emul VA Rina Hidaka revealed that despite voicing an NPC, she was given a lot of leeway to ad-lib scenes in the anime.

As an NPC, you would think that Emul will only have generic lines. That’s not the case though, as she does various things in the background.

Hidaka noted that she tried to do a lot of ad-libs during these scenes. Based on fans’ reactions to the anime, Hidaka pulled it off perfectly.

Despite the impromptu nature of the recordings, Hidaka noted that she didn’t find voicing Emul difficult. She did say that she was mindful to make Emul cute, as per the sound director’s advice.

Fans will see more of Emul in Shangri-La Frontier Episode 10, which will be released next week on Crunchyroll.

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Source: Animate Times