Netflix's British drama-comedy series Sex Education is returning for its third season in Septemeber 2021. The series stars Asa Butterfield as Otis Milburn, an insecure teenager who struggles with his mother's occupation, and takes a similar role in his school, and now, fans are looking forward to see the return of Moodale High students and newcomers, including the new head mistress Hope (played by Girls actress Jemima Kirke).
Netflix recently shared cool new posters to promote Sex Education Season 3, which features the main cast members: Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Macckey, and others.
One of the posters features the key cast members with the line "Growth is a group project" on top.
Check out the posters below:
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Sex Education Season 3 is set to release on Netflix on September 17. You can check out all the details in our hub here, and don't forget to follow our Netflix Rocks My World page on Facebook for the latest news, memes, and updates about the best Netflix movies and TV Shows.