Secret Invasion Art Casts Emilia Clarke as Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom is still buzzing about the bombshell announcement that Games of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke is officially joining the franchise in the upcoming Disney+ series Secret Invasion. The project which was officially confirmed to be in development last December stars Samuel L. Jackson and will reportedly put major emphasis on the evil versions of the Skrulls who have inhabited earth.

All excitement aside, fans are curious to know which Marvel character the former Daenerys Targaryen actress will play in Secret Invasion, and judging by the source material the show is based on, a lot of them are guessing that she's set to play Veranke aka the Skrull Queen. We also reported last week that Emilia could end up playing a character named Abigail Brand although that one has yet to be confirmed.

Other people are also speculating that Clarke could be taking on the Spider-Woman character who also happens to be a prominent character in the Secret Invasion storyline. Now, following the hype, digital artist and massive webhead Venomhology unveiled a "spectacular" artwork depicting Emilia as Jessica Drew and I gotta say, I think it kinda works but I'll leave it up to you. Check it out here:

While Emilia as Spider-Woman seems to be an interesting casting choice, it's worth mentioning that Sony Pictures owns the rights to the characters appearing in the Spider-Man lore and their deal with Marvel Studios only concerns a few characters as of now including Spidey himself played by Tom Holland.

Aside from that fact, Sony is also working on their own solo Spider-Woman project which has been in development for quite some time now so connecting the dots, the chances of Clarke actually playing the character is pretty slim when you think about it unless, of course, the two production companies come to an agreement about another crossover deal.

Secret Invasion is in active development.

Also Read: Secret Invasion: Emilia Clarke Confirms Involvement in Marvel Studios Series