Hazbin Hotel is an adult animation series of fictional proportions. Since the show premiered, many have wondered why Satan is the good guy in the Amazon cartoon. Allow us to explain what this cartoon is about.
Note: This article aims to simply explain Hazbin Hotel, the characters in the show, and why 'Satan is the good guy in the Amazon cartoon' is trending. Here's what we know.
Does Amazon Prime Really Have a New Cartoon Where Satan is the Good Guy?
Yes, Hazbin Hotel made its premiere on Amazon Prime Video on January 19, 2024. Vivienne "VivziePop" Medrano created the series as an adult animated musical comedy.
The show's pilot episode was released on YouTube on October 28, 2019. At that time, the show did not have a producer and was financed by Medrano's followers on Patreon. The artwork was also done by freelance animators.
Because of its success, Amazon Prime Video adapted the series with a total of eight episodes.
As of this writing, only four of the episodes have been released. Amazon Prime Video has scheduled the release of two episodes of Hazbin Hotel per week.
Since the show received many positive reviews, Amazon Prime Video has confirmed that it is working on a second season.
What Is Hazbin Hotel About?
Hazbin Hotel is a fictional musical animation that follows the princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar, as she opens a hotel in the hopes of rehabilitating sinners.
According to the show's summary, angels descend from Heaven every year to purge demons due to overpopulation. Her way of helping with this is to rehabilitate these sinners through her hotel.
Once they become redeemed souls, they can check out from Hell and be accepted into Heaven.
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Is Satan the Good Guy in Amazon's Hazbin Hotel?
So, why is Satan the good guy in the Amazon cartoon and why is it trending on social media?
Before explaining the character, you may want to watch the opening scene of Hazbin Hotel.
Going back to the topic, let's clear one thing up. In Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer and Satan are two different characters.
Although the opening scene of the animated series paints Lucifer as a misunderstood dreamer, Satan is an entirely different character.
As shared on the show's Fandom page, Satan is a "retired overarching antagonist." Lucifer is another antagonist in the show.
The page also reveals that Satan was previously a member of the Light Beyond the Stars, whom God created to help Him. But because Satan "was twisted and exposed to the concept of evil," he defied God's order.
This left Satan hungry for vengeance and on a mission to get rid of God's creation.
Because of the way Lucifer was depicted in the opening scene, many are asking to boycott Amazon Prime.
They are also saying that Hollywood contradicts itself by saying they are "not devil worshippers" but release shows like this where he is the "unsung hero."
Some have hopped on the thread to remind viewers that Lucifer "is not the flex" they should be looking at.
Another user clarified "Yeah, no. Lucifer wanted to be worshipped like God - THAT's why he was cast from Heaven."
One user had an interesting insight about the opening scene. Since Charlie was reading a book, it could have been written by Lucifer who decided to leave any mention of God out of it.
Again, this is a reaction to why the Hazbin Hotel character is trending and in the hopes of clearing up this confusion.
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