It looks like another Star Wars actor is under fire for what she's doing on social media. The Mandalorian actress Sasha Banks is causing quite a stir for allegedly being an anti-vaxxer and her fans are defending the WWE star.
It all started when people discovered that Banks had liked an anti-vaccination post on Instagram. The professional wrestler, whose real name is Mercedes Varnado, didn't actually share the post itself but people immediately noticed what she had done. This led to Banks being cancelled on social media for agreeing with anti-vaxxers and being a possible anti-vaxxer herself.
Not surprisingly, fans of the Star Wars actress have taken to social media as well in an effort to defend Banks.
It's unclear whether Banks herself is against vaccines. Although most people have pointed out that one liked post isn't enough to prove the wrestler's views, others claim that Banks' social media movements have previously suggested that she is actually an anti-vaxxer.
This isn't the first time that a Star Wars actor's social media movements have caused trouble for them. Gina Carano had previously suffered from backlash for sharing her political views on Twitter and Instagram. Unfortunately, this led to Carano being fired from The Mandalorian.
For now, Banks has yet to comment on the issue. Likewise, Disney and Lucasfilm have not addressed the issue so far. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.
Banks is expected to return as Koska Reeves in The Mandalorian Season 3, which is set to premiere on Disney+ in 2022.
Related: The Mandalorian Star Sasha Banks is Getting Canceled over Anti-Vax Controversy