The Terminator franchise has been stumbling since the third movie, and now James Cameron has jumped in to help reboot it once more with director Tim Miller. We've been promised a new trailer incoming tomorrow, and just now we got a new poster featuring the original Sarah Connor, Linda Hamilton.
Check her out:
We don't know how large Hamilton's role will be, but the way these sequel/reboots go, I'm expecting her role to have as much relevance as Han Solo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Besides Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back as an aged T-800, and it looks like they'll be borrowing the same reasons on why his Terminator looks old from Genisys.
As for the new cast, we're going to have the likes of Mackenzie Davis, Diego Boneta, and Natalia Reyes in the lead roles. You may also recognize the new Terminator Gabriel Luna from Agents of SHIELD, as he was Marvel TV's Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes.
We don't have an official description of the plot for Dark Fate yet, but we're sure to get something when the trailer drops tomorrow. Let's hope that with Cameron involved, we can finally get the old Terminator train chugging in the right direction.
Terminator: Dark Fate comes out Nov. 1.
See Also: New Terminator: Dark Fate Stills Give Us First Look at Gabriel Luna's Killer Android