Spider-Man: No Way Home marked the triumphant return of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield as well as the villains from their respective films. Fans were delighted by their comeback as it gave them nostalgia. It also contributed to the huge box office success of the film as a lot of audiences tuned in to theaters to see their return and watch it all over again. Now, the director behind the original Spider-Man trilogy has chimed in and shared his thoughts.
Speaking with Variety, Sam Raimi, the director of the original Spider-Man trilogy, shared his reaction to seeing the return of Maguire, Willem Dafoe, and Alfred Molina in Spider-Man: No Way Home. "It was so much fun," he said. "I love No Way Home and the audience I was with went crazy. It was delightful to watch Alfred play his role, and Willem Dafoe, just seeing these guys take it to the next level. And Tobey was awesome as always. The best word I can say is it was refreshing for me."
It is great to hear that Raimi enjoyed No Way Home and he loved seeing the return of the characters from his trilogy. It is certainly a seal of approval from him as he is the person that started the cinematic iteration of our friendly neighbor. However, he might get to revisit his Spider-Man trilogy again since there have been rumors that Maguire's Spider-Man will be making an appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness which is under his helm.
With the successful return of Maguire and Garfield in No Way Home, there are now fans who are clamoring for them to continue with their respective solo films including a potential fourth film starring Maguire with Raimi returning to direct as well. However, it looks like that is not going to happen yet since there are no reports that Sony, Maguire, and Raimi are interested to do it.
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For now, you can catch Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home which is still showing in theaters while Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set to be released in theaters on May 6.