Few anime studios have garnered the love and admiration of fans as much as Studio Ghibli. The studio made a number of hits that fans love to this day, including Spirited Away, Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies, and so much more. Hayao Miyazaki, one of the studio's biggest directors, announced his retirement back in 2013 but has decided to return for 2020's How Do You live.
Turns out he might be back for more, as reports have claimed that Miyazaki and his son will be working on two more Studio Ghibli films. This is potentially good news, as Miyazaki has made some of the best anime films ever that's not named Your Name. The news has some legitimacy in it as it comes from frequent Miyazaki collaborator Vincent Maraval.
On Twitter, Maraval claimed (translation from The Playlist) that Ghibli is working on two more films that will involve Miyazaki and his son. Considering the source, this could definitely be a legitimate report, though neither Miyazaki nor Studio Ghibli have commented on the manner. While most of us wouldn't mind if Miyazaki decided to enjoy his retirement, the man has more than earned it, if he wants to come back on his own volition, no one should stop him.
It will be interesting to see what kind of material comes from Studio Ghibli if Miyazaki does indeed return. We're also interested in seeing what the studio's newer talent has to offer of course.
Read:Hayao Miyazaki To Be Awarded The Lifetime Achievement Award From LAFCA