Rotten Tomatoes Denies That Changes To The Site Was Made To Protect Captain Marvel

Earlier this week, Rotten Tomatoes made some changes to the site, taking down the "Want to Watch" tab along with its capacity to hold reviews. Some users assumed that the changes were made because of Disney pressuring the site for updates after Marvel Studio's upcoming Captain Marvel was review bombed by trolls, Rotten Tomatoes says that it did nothing of the sorts.

Speaking in an interview with CNET, Fandango president Paul Yanover admits that there were a few changes made to Rotten Tomatoes, but that these changes had nothing to do with the Mickey Mouse House's pressure or money. Instead, the update was implemented because it was one that the company had thought about for so long.

"(The changes) are not simply a reaction to, 'Oh, gee, there's some noise created around (certain movies),'" Yanover said during the interview with the publication.

According to Yanover, the adjustments made would be focused on "noise reduction," especially for high profile films like the upcoming Star Wars: Episode IX and Captain Marvel which naturally attract trolls because of their size and significance.

Ever since these changes were made, rumors started circulating that Disney had paid Rotten Tomatoes to make changes to the "Want to See" tab, something which Yanover claims to be untrue.

"None of (the site is) owned by Disney," the Fandango President said, adding that the idea of "some predestined arrangement between ourselves and Disney is completely untrue."

Guess Captain Marvel and Episode IX are just both lucky that Fandango decided to enforce these changes today, minimizing trolls' insipid reviews.

Captain Marvel premieres on March 8, 2019. Star Wars: Episode IX on the other hand releases on December 20, 2019.

Read: Captain Marvel Directors Say The Film Is A Feminist Movie