Robert Pattinson is Officially Batman, Deal With It

He is vengeance. He is the night. He is...Robert Pattinson. That's right, the reports were true; Robert Pattinson will be replacing Ben Affleck and will star in Matt Reeves' The Batman trilogy, with the first installment coming out on June 25, 2021. This is a controversial casting for many since most people tend to associate him with Twilight but the actor has actually been proving himself with independent movies since then.

Deadline confirmed that Pattinson will be portraying Bruce Wayne in Matt Reeves' trilogy, which will document the character's early stages as The Dark Knight. This also means that the films probably won't tie in to any of the current DCEU films and could even mean that the trilogy could be a soft-reboot for the character. Only time will tell.

Affleck faced similar backlash for his casting, though fans eventually grew to like him in the role after Batman V Superman came out. The actor was able to bring out a lot of Wayne's anguish and pain from the comics, though he did also end up being a killer; that's Zack Snyder's fault, not Affleck's to be fair. It will be interesting to see how Pattinson does with the role since this could be considered a fresh start for the character.

The Batman comes out on June 25, 2021. Let's see if Penguin and Catwoman are really expected to appear.

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