Robert Downey Jr Claims That Final 8 Minutes of Avengers: Endgame are the MCU's Best

It doesn't matter who your favorite MCU character is; Robert Downey Jr is the face of the current Marvel movie landscape. Sure, some would argue that it's Chris Evans and his earnest portrayal of Captain America but Downey Jr has been around since 2008 and we're all pretty choked up about him possibly leaving after Avengers: Endgame.

Well, if fans want to take the actor's words as something sacred, then they will be pumped to know that he thinks Endgame's final eight minutes are the MCU's best. The acclaimed actor confirmed this during an interview with The Upcoming, so if the actor believes that then we are in for something really special.

Granted, some fans might know what some of these final eight minutes looks like since a huge leak happened earlier this week but good-natured fans decided not to spoil it for others, even if they wanted to see the fight for themselves. Hopefully, these final eight minutes are something fans can anticipate and celebrate once they've seen it.

Despite what you might think about the MCU, there's no doubt that Avengers: Endgame is going to be a historic piece of media for the movie industry. That might sound like hyperbole but no one ever saw a consistent cinematic universe like this until Marvel Studios came along and seeing the culmination of a decade's worth of stories is crazy ambitious.

Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.

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