The war drama, Masters of the Air, follows the story of the Bloody Hundredth, who made their heroic sacrifices during World War II. Based on the book written by Donald L. Miller, some key references are historically accurate, such as the characters like Robert Daniels in Masters of the Air.
In this article, we'll talk about Robert Daniels, Jr. and the Tuskegee Airmen. We'll also be talking about the actor who played Robert Daniels, Jr. in Masters of the Air.
Is Masters of the Air Historically Accurate?
Although Masters of the Air is based on Miller's book, Masters of the Air: America's Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi Germany, it is said to be as close as you can get to the real events.
Miller is a History Professor at Lafayette College and a WWII expert, which makes him more than qualified to tell the story of these heroic men.
The film opens the viewers' eyes to the "psychological and emotional price paid by these young men as they helped destroy the horror of Hitler's Third Reich."
RELATED: How Historically Accurate Is Masters of the Air?
Are the Tuskegee Airmen Real?
Yes, the Tuskegee Airmen were real. They were composed of African American military pilots and airmen who served during WWII.
The group includes the navigators, mechanics, bombardiers, crew chiefs, nurses, cooks, instructors, and other support personnel who were part of the team at the time.
Unfortunately, racism was a huge factor among citizens and it extended into the US military. People were segregated according to the color of their skin.
The US Air Corps held an "experiment" to check whether men of color could serve as pilots. Those who participated in the "experiment" eventually became part of the Tuskegee Airmen.
The group later joined the elite African-American 99th Fighter Squadron under Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, Jr's leadership.
As they overcame prejudices and racism, the Tuskegee Airmen became one of the highly respected fighter pilot groups of all time. They earned three Distinguished Unit Citations.
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Who Was Lt. Robert Daniels from Masters of the Air?
Robert Daniels, Jr. was one of the Tuskegee Airmen. He hails from Roosevelt, NY.
In 1944, Lt. Daniels, together with other P-51 Mustang pilots, attacked a German radar unit based near Marseilles, France. Unfortunately, his plane was shot down.
The German forces captured him and held him as a Prisoner of War, where he was kept until the war ended in 1945. He was returned to the US Military Control.
He received a Prisoner of War medal for his sacrifice. When he left the military, he became an Air Traffic Controller.
In 1987, he died at the age of 69.
Who is Ncuti Gatwa? Where You've Seen Him Before
The role of Robert Daniels in Masters of the Air is portrayed by Rwandan-Scottish actor Ncuti Gatwa.
He gained recognition for his role in the Netflix series, Sex Education. This role earned him a BAFTA Scotland Award as well as three BAFTA Television Award nominations under the Best Male Comedy Performance category.
He also starred as Ken in Barbie and is currently the 15th incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who.
You can follow him on Instagram for updates.
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