Revenant is a supernatural K-Drama that is not for the faint of heart. Now that the show has finished airing, you may want to know more about the show's ending.
Revenant is a 12-episode supernatural series that follows a student who is possessed by a demon.
Her teacher is able to see the entity, which makes the show more interesting. There's also an investigator who gets involved with the two characters in a mystery.
Revenant aired on SBS TV and Disney+ on June 23, 2023.
Revenant K-Drama: How Did the Show End?
In the final episode of Revenant, Yeom Hae-sang (played by Oh Jung-se) and Gu San-yeong (played by Kim Tae-ri) hunt for the five objects owned by the evil spirit Lee Hang-yi (played by Shim Dal-gi).
They were led to believe that these objects would seal the spirit and free San-yeong. But as it turns out, finding these objects produced the opposite result.
Once the objects are redeemed, Hyang-gi gets stronger. It allowed the evil spirit to completely possess the evil spirit.
Hyang-gi traps San-young's soul inside a mirror.
Revenant K-Drama Ending: Is San-young Still Alive?
Thankfully, Hae-sang learns the truth about Hyang-gi's plans. If he seals all of the objects he redeemed, it also means he will permanently trap San-young in the mirror.
Lee Hong-sae (played by Hong Kyung) manages to share a vital piece of information with Hae-sang.
The two watch a clip of Hae-sang's grandmother pricking her finger. This leads him to recall something important: Choi Manwol cut Hyang-gi's finger for a reason.
This signifies the importance of looking for her index finger and destroying it. In doing so, her spirit will depart.
Both Hae-sang and Hong-sae start looking for the finger in the Yeom Estate. Realizing what they are up to, San-young tricks them using the phone of Gyeong-moon (played by Park Ji-young).
Hae-sang suspects San-young is up to something, so he stays behind while Hong-sae checks Gyeong-moon.
True enough, San-young arrives at the estate and picks up the box that contains Hyang-gi's finger. Before she could leave though, Hae-sang closes the door and they fight.
While trying to escape, Hyang-gi looks into the mirror and sees San-young. This causes San-young to fight Hyang-gi and win over her.
As she gains control over her body, she manipulates the evil spirit to burn her finger, causing Hyang-gi's soul to rest finally. This also allows San-young to return to her normal life as she spends time with her mother.
Knowing that she is about to become blind, she checks off the items on her bucket list.
At the end of the show, Hae-sang and San-young visit a festival. As they look at the fireworks, San-young's vision starts to fade away slowly. She then promises to herself, "I will strive to survive."
So no, San-young is still alive at the end of Revenant.
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