Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease Will Include Codes For Magic Arena Drafts; Everyone Gets 3 New Packs

Wizards of the Coast

The prerelease for Magic: The Gathering's new set Ravnica Allegiance will start next week, and if you're playing one of the events, you'd be glad to hear that every Prerelease pack will include one Traditional Draft entry in Magic Arena.

Today, Wizards of the Coast have announced that when you play in a Wizards Play Network store, you will receive a Pre-release code for a Traditional Draft in the popular digital card game, and you can redeem the codes as early as January 17. Traditional Ravnica Allegiance Draft will start on January 18.

The Domri Rade and Dovin Baan Planeswalker decks will also come with a code that redeems for a Planeswalker deck in Magic Arena. To celebrate the release of Ravnica Allegiance, Wizards of the Coast are offering a non-unique code to everyone that redeems for three in-game Ravnica Allegiance packs. The code is "PlayAllegiance".

I'm excited to play with Ravnica Allegiance cards in Magic Arena. Make sure to check out our upcoming YouTube channel for Magic Arena streams and other stuff MTG-related. For now, you can watch my latest Magic Arena video below and join our Magic Arena Facebook group here.

Prerelease events for Ravnica Allegiance will take place on January 19, 2019; the set will officially be released on January 25.

Related: Ravnica Allegiance Mythic Edition Planeswalkers Revealed