Ravnica Allegiance Magic: The Gathering Token Rarity Revealed

Wizards of the Coast

Ravnica Allegiance, the latest Magic: The Gathering set, will officially be released this week, and by now we know that the set features a good variety of tokens including a treasure, a Domri emblem, a black/white Spirit Token, a Frog Lizard Token, and more fantastic creature tokens.

Redditor Tehtmi has analyzed collation patterns (in box opening videos) and this allowed him to reconstruct the order that cards appear on the print sheets. According to him, the rarity of a token is proportional to the number of times it appears on the token print sheet.

Here's his breakdown of the rarity of tokens:

Domri Emblem: 2/121
Sphinx Token: 4/121
Centaur Token: 5/121
Frog Lizard Token: 5/121
Illusion Token: 5/121
Treasure Token: 5/121
Beast Token: 10/121
Thopter Token: 10/121
Zombie Token: 10/121
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Ooze Token: 11/121
Goblin Token: 12/121
Human Token: 12/121
Spirit Token: 30/121

This data is based on the analysis of the US printing which uses 11 x 11 sheet (hence the 121). It looks like the chances of getting a Spirit token in a booster pack is high and as you can see, there's also a good chance you can get an Ooze token. That's a lot for something that only shows up at Mythic.

You can check out tokens of Ravnica Allegiance here.

Ravnica Allegiance will officially be released this Friday.

Related: MTG Policy Changes For Ravnica Allegiance Revealed