Ravnica Allegiance is Coming to Magic Arena Sooner Than Expected

Wizards of the Coast

The next Magic: The Gathering set will be released in Magic Arena and it's even sooner than you expect.

Today, the official Magic Arena Twitter page has announced that Ravnica Allegiance will be available in the digital game client on January 17. That's a couple of days before the pre-release events so it will give some players more time to practice Sealed before attending a pre-release weekend though it's still unclear if Arena will offer an event that will let players choose which guild pack they'll get for the Sealed event. The early release will also give players a good headstart to test the new Ravnica Allegiance cards for Standard format.

You can watch me play Magic Arena during that week. Here's my latest Magic Arena video:

Pre-release events for Ravnica Allegiance will take place on January 19, 2019; the set will officially be released on January 25. It will be available on Magic Arena on January 17.

Related: Azorius Counterspell From Ravnica Allegiance Revealed