The Doctor Strange sequel is yet to have its director due to Scott Derrickson's exit from the project. However, it was recently revealed that Spider-Man original trilogy filmmaker Sam Raimi is in talks to helm the sequel. While Marvel fans would be hyped for this, the report comes with the unfortunate news of an actress potentially not returning for the second movie.
According to Variety, Rachel McAdams, who played Christine Palmer in the first Doctor Strange movie, won't likely return for the sequel.
Palmer is a fellow surgeon and a good friend of Doctor Strange. They once had a romantic relationship but have since moved past it. She also helped the hero in some of his endeavors, including a time when his life was on the line.
Although the report didn't go further into detail as to why the actress isn't expected to reprise her role, it isn't a surprise to most fans. Given the nature and circumstances of the story in the Doctor Strange sequel, exploring more of his abilities and potentially meeting other powerful characters, there wouldn't be much time for Strange to go back to New York. Palmer may be her only connection to his regular life in the city, but the story ought to show more of the hero's adventures.
While it is unfortunate that McAdams wouldn't likely return, there are still some things that fans can look out for. The outlet says Benedict Wong and Chiwetel Ejiofor will be reprising their roles. In addition, it has been previously revealed that Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch would also make an appearance in the sequel.
What are your thoughts on McAdams not returning for Doctor Strange 2? Tell us in the comments below!
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is set for release on May 7, 2021.
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