The Punisher might be an intriguing character but there is no way anyone should look up to him. Yeah, he's sympathetic but his methods are extreme and are in no way heroic, which is why the comics have always portrayed him as some sort of madman. He is never in the right and the best Punisher stories always make sure that point is sunk in, which is why Gerry Conway is surprised at the police and military use his symbol with pride.
Speaking with SyFy Wire, Conway stated that he finds it disturbing when police officers or those in the military use the character's symbol with pride. Conway states that the character is a criminal and does not condone his actions, stating that Frank Castle represents a failure of the justice system.
Here are Conway's comments in full:
"I've talked about this in other interviews. To me, it's disturbing whenever I see authority figures embracing Punisher iconography because the Punisher represents a failure of the Justice system. He's supposed to indict the collapse of social moral authority and the reality some people can't depend on institutions like the police or the military to act in a just and capable way."
There's no denying that The Punisher is a "cool" character, thanks to a great costume and some of the dark comedy that comes with his comic books. However, he isn't a hero and his methods are not justice so anyone who says that the character's way is right should have a good look at themselves.
The Punisher season 2 debuts on Netflix next week. Feel free to be entertained by the character but do not look up to him or follow his actions.
Read:New Punisher 2 Trailer Shows Jigsaw is Out for Frank Castle