PS5 Reveal Starts with Announce Teaser for Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Sony's PlayStation 5 reveal happens today, and the whole event had started with what a lot of fans were hoping for—a look at the next Spider-Man title from Insomniac Games.

We don't have a full description for Spider-Man: Miles Morales yet, but you can already see a whole lot of changes from the first game, from the neon city night life to the way that Miles' Spider-Man swings and jumps around. It also looks like Miles will be able to use his powers of invisibility for this game.

We're also unclear on who the villains of the game will be, but I expect those purple energy pulses to come with Miles' uncle the Prowler. We also get a look at some other thugs in Iron Man armor, but they could be a stand-in for any other villain gang.

While a lot of people were expecting Peter Parker to be the protagonist of this next game, I think this is Insomniac's way of telling us that they're planning to spinoff the Spider-franchise into multiple branches. After all, we have a lot of ground to cover when it comes to Peter's story; I'm sure fans would love to see the likes of Green Goblin and Venom take on Peter and not Miles.

Then again, this is just speculation on my point, maybe Peter's still part of this game, but it looks like he'll be taking the sideline for now.

No release date has been set for Spider-Man: Miles Morales, but the game will be a PS5 exclusive.

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