Prince Harry recently aired Meghan Markle’s side of the story regarding her feud with Kate Middleton in his memoir Spare. Even before the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left their royal duties, there were already claims suggesting that Markle made Middleton cry. But during their interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, the mom of two revealed that the reverse happened.
Royal Family Did Not Appreciate Prince Harry Releasing Private Text Messages Between Kate Middleton And Meghan Markle?
Despite her shocking claim, some critics still questioned Meghan Markle’s credibility. According to Us Weekly, this is one of the reasons why Prince Harry decided to include the text exchange between his wife and Kate Middleton in Spare.
But a source for the magazine said that the royal family did not like the fact that private exchanges between the in-laws were included in Prince Harry’s memoir.
“They claim it’s just part of the story, and in any event, it’s egregious of Harry to publish these abbreviated excerpts. [The texts] clearly show that there are two sides to every story. Harry feels strongly it’s important to get the true account of what happened out there,” the source said.
The source added that Prince Harry’s use of the text exchange proves that Markle was under so much stress at the time. After all, the Duchess of Sussex was dealing with the fall out of her relationship with her dad, Thomas Markle Sr., on top of the pressures of planning a royal wedding.
So, the argument between Markle and Middleton reportedly did not help ease the former’s mind.
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Does Prince Harry Have More Emails And Text Exchanges Between Kate Middleton And Meghan Markle?
According to the source, there is also a possibility that Prince Harry is holding on to more emails and text exchanges between Markle and Middleton. But it’s unlikely for him or the Princess of Wales’ camp to release them.
There may well be other emails and texts, but nobody on Kate’s side will be releasing anything like that,” the source said.
Prince Harry Details Kate Middleton And Meghan Markle’s Argument Over Princess Charlotte’s Bridesmaid Dress
In Spare, Prince Harry revealed that Middleton had concerns about Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress because it was too big, too long, and too baggy. The mom of three also told Markle that Princess Charlotte cried while fitting her outfit.
Upon reading her message, Markle asked Middleton to bring Princess Charlotte to Kensington Palace so that her designer to fix the young royal’s dress.
However, Prince William’s wife insisted that all the bridesmaid dresses should be remade instead. Unfortunately, Markle refused to follow Middleton’s request, and she told her that she was dealing with a lot of things, including her dad’s staged paparazzi photos.
According to Prince Harry, he saw his wife crying while slumped to the floor after texting with Middleton. One day later, the Princess of Wales apologized to Markle and sent flowers to her home.
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