Pretty Little Liars is a teen drama mystery series that follows five best friends whose secrets are threatened by “A”. When the first season premiered, the show became very popular and gained a large fan base. The success of the series led to spin-offs, and currently, there are four television series and one web series in the franchise. Here’s how to watch all the Pretty Little Liars shows in order:
All the Pretty Little Liars Shows in Order
Here’s how to watch all the Pretty Little Liars shows in order:
- Pretty Little Liars Seasons 1-2 (2010-2012)
- Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episodes 1-12 (2012)
- Pretty Dirty Secrets (2012)
- Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episodes 13-24 (2012-2013)
- Pretty Little Liars Season 4 (2013-2014)
- Ravenswood (2013-2014)
- Pretty Little Liars Seasons 5-7 (2014-2017)
- Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists (2019)
- Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin (2022)
- Pretty Little Liars: Summer School (TBA)
The Pretty Little Liars shows in release order and chronological order are pretty much the same. It’s not like other franchises where there are complicated timelines. So, if you really want to watch all the shows in the Pretty Little Liars franchise, you could watch it in the order of release.
However, for most of the spin-offs, it’s not necessary to watch the original series first because they serve as standalone sequels. Here’s what to know about all the Pretty Little Liars shows. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers.
Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017)
Pretty Little Liars is the first series in the franchise, and it has seven seasons. It follows Spencer, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Alison, five best friends whose secrets are constantly threatened by someone called “A”.
Pretty Dirty Secrets (2012)
Pretty Dirty Secrets is a web series that takes place between Episodes 12 and 13 of Pretty Little Liars Season 3. This won’t take long to finish as each episode is only about 2-3 minutes long.
The five best friends are not in this web series. Characters who appear include Jason DiLaurentis (Alison’s brother), Noel Khan, CeCe Drake, and Garrett Reynolds.
Ravenswood (2013-2014)
Ravenswood is the second series in the franchise. It follows Caleb Rivers, Hanna’s ex-boyfriend. While watching Pretty Little Liars, you will wonder why Caleb disappears for a while, and that’s because he’s in Ravenswood.
Ravenswood was canceled after one season due to its low ratings. Caleb also returns to the main series after his time in Ravenswood.
Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists (2019)
The Perfectionists takes place after the final season of Pretty Little Liars. Alison and Mona, two main characters from the original show, are the main characters in The Perfectionists. Other characters from Pretty Little Liars are also mentioned throughout the series.
But The Perfectionists is pretty much a standalone sequel, as it has a new story and new characters. So, if you’re interested in watching this series alone, you may do so. Although, it’s best to watch Pretty Little Liars first to have a background about Alison and Mona.
Unfortunately, this series was canceled after one season.
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin (2022)
Original Sin is the fourth series in the franchise. It has a brand-new story and a new set of characters, so it’s not necessary to watch the original Pretty Little Liars first. This series was renewed for a second season, and it was retitled as “Pretty Little Liars: Summer School”.
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is available to stream on Max. You can check here to see where you can watch all seven seasons of Pretty Little Liars. Check here for where to watch The Perfectionists and here for Ravenswood.
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